Category: Alcoholism
What is an AA Sponsor?
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a peer-led fellowship that helps its members overcome alcoholism through a spiritually-based, 12-step treatment program. An AA sponsor is a senior member who has stayed sober…
What Is A 12-Step Program For Addiction?
The 12-Step Program began with Alcoholics Anonymous in the 1930s, designed to be a process of steps for overcoming alcoholism. Over time, other organizations adapted their own versions of the…
How To Cope With Anxiety Without Turning To Alcohol
While we may not be able to change the circumstances that are causing our anxiety, we can control how we react to them.
How Long Does It Take The Brain To Recover After Alcohol Abuse?
The more intense or frequent the alcohol bouts are, the longer it will take the brain’s chemistry to return to normal levels.
How Does Alcohol Affect Dopamine Levels?
Alcohol increases dopamine production, so you feel good and, generally, relaxed. In order to keep the good feelings going, your brain prompts you to continue drinking.
Psychological Effects of Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol abuse has many physical and psychological effects on the user. The physical effects are usually quite obvious, but the psychological issues may be more subtle and are often broader and harder to treat.
What Are The Stages of Alcoholism?
There are some warning signs that alcoholism displays and a typical pattern of how the disease progresses. Knowledge about these may help someone identify their, or someone else’s problem with alcohol sooner rather than later.
What You Should Do After Alcohol Detox
Alcohol treatment after detox may look different for each person. But it is possible to achieve a life without addiction.
Can You Overcome Addiction If It’s Genetic?
Like other chronic illnesses with a genetic component such as heart disease, addiction does run in families, but that doesn’t make it inevitable or unmanageable.
What are the Physical Symptoms of Alcoholism?
The signs of alcoholism that people typically think of focus on behaviors, but there are also physical symptoms that can occur from alcohol abuse.
How Does Alcohol Abuse Affect the Family?
Alcoholism is sometimes referred to as a “family disease” because the addiction puts a strain on the spouse or partner, children, and other family members.
The Complete Guide to Dry Drunk Syndrome
In this article, we’ll explore what dry drunk syndrome really is and how you can help your loved one cope with life after addiction.