Category: Alcohol Rehab
Alcohol Addiction And Mental Health
It is common for substance use disorders and mental health disorders to go hand-in-hand, and alcohol addiction is no exception.
How To Cope With Anxiety Without Turning To Alcohol
While we may not be able to change the circumstances that are causing our anxiety, we can control how we react to them.
How Long Does It Take The Brain To Recover After Alcohol Abuse?
The more intense or frequent the alcohol bouts are, the longer it will take the brain’s chemistry to return to normal levels.
What To Expect During The Rehab Admissions Process
Starting anything new can be intimidating. While the details may differ, the basic admission process for almost every rehab center shares several common steps.
How Does Alcohol Affect Dopamine Levels?
Alcohol increases dopamine production, so you feel good and, generally, relaxed. In order to keep the good feelings going, your brain prompts you to continue drinking.
Psychological Effects of Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol abuse has many physical and psychological effects on the user. The physical effects are usually quite obvious, but the psychological issues may be more subtle and are often broader and harder to treat.
What Are The Stages of Alcoholism?
There are some warning signs that alcoholism displays and a typical pattern of how the disease progresses. Knowledge about these may help someone identify their, or someone else’s problem with alcohol sooner rather than later.
How Long Does Drug and Alcohol Addiction Typically Last?
Addiction is a chronic disease that a person will live with forever. That does not mean that the individual can’t learn to manage their addiction in the same way that people learn to manage and live with a variety of chronic diseases.
How Can I Choose the Right Sober Living Program?
Each sober living program will be different and may offer various benefits. Anyone considering these houses needs to consider what programs will give them the best shot at long-term recovery.
Can You Force Someone to Go to Rehab in Texas?
Currently, 37 states and the District of Columbia make provisions for involuntary commitment for someone with substance use disorder. Texas is one of these states.
What You Should Do After Alcohol Detox
Alcohol treatment after detox may look different for each person. But it is possible to achieve a life without addiction.
What are the Physical Symptoms of Alcoholism?
The signs of alcoholism that people typically think of focus on behaviors, but there are also physical symptoms that can occur from alcohol abuse.